Lodge Teide No 34
The Premier International English Speaking Lodge
of the Canary Islands

Our next meeting will be held on
Wednesday 19th February 2025 

This Meeting will be a Double 1st Degree!

Lodge Teide No 34

Lodge Teide No 34 is a Regular Freemasons Lodge, under the Grand Lodge of Spain. We are an International, English speaking Lodge, with members from many countries including UK, Belgium, Rumania, Germany, Columbia and  Italy. 

We meet at Marina Palace Masonic Centre, Playa Paraiso, Adeje, Tenerife, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, October to March inclusive.
Easy access from the TF1 Motorway!


An Invitation from the
Worshipful Master

The Worshipful Master of Lodge Teide No. 34 welcomes you to our website and hopes that those of you who are already Masons will come and visit us, you will be made very welcome and don't worry about regalia, we can supply it.

If you are not yet a Mason yet, consider joining us, we are a very friendly Lodge and you will be in good company, see Famous Masons.
The Lodge meets on the third Wednesday of the month, October to April inclusive, at Edificio Marina Palace, Playa Paraiso, in the South of Tenerife (See Map & Directions below). This is ideal for those living in the South or North of the island and easily accessible from the TF1 Motorway.

W. Bro. Ionel Bogdan Apostu (JohnB)
Worshipful Master

Contact Us

244th Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 15th January 2025 was the Initiation of Bros: Radu Truta and Teddy Kohn and we welcome them as the newest members of our Lodge.  The ceremony was conducted by our Imediate Past Master, W. Bro. David Mumford as our Worshipful Master, W. Bro. JohnB, is recovering from a serious illness and was sorely missed at the meeting.  We wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he can once more take up the reins in February.  Special mention must be made of the excellent word done by our Deacons Bro. Stefan Pirazzi and Massimo Gareri who earned the respect of all those present for the way in which they conducted the candidates.

We were honoured by the presence of R. W. Bro. Joseba Larruzea, the Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy, V. W. Mike Baker and R. W. Bro. Norman Goodall, Past Grand Almoner, as well as Visitors from the various lodges in the south of Tenerife, and from Scotland and Chili.  

Following the meeting, a Festive Board was held at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul. Although it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening with the usual taking of wine and official toasts, it was over-shadowered by the absence of our Worshipful Master!

See Photos and a Video Clip below:

243rd  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 18th December 2024 was the Raising of Bro. Helmut Gunther to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason.  We also welcomed our esteemed Brother -W. Bro. Tony Perridge as an Honourary Member of the Lodge in recognition of his assistance to the Lodge over many years.  We were honoured by the presence of Visitors from local English and Spanish speaking Lodges as well as from Argentinia and Germany.  Only in Lodge Teide 34 would you have a situation where for this meeting, the Worshipful Master was Rumanian,  the Junior Warden Spanish, The Senior Warden Belgian, the Deacons Italian and British, and the Candidate German! We are truly the PREMIAR INTERNATIONAL LODGE OF THE CANARY ISLANDS.

Following the meeting, a Christmas White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests was held at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul. The Italian Chjristmas Fayre was suberb the wine flowed freely, and the music & song, courtesy of Teddy Kohn was magnificent. A great time was had by all.

See Photos and a Video Clip below:

Lodge Teide 34 Christmas White Table 2024

Video Clip of Teide 34 Christmas

Extraordinary Meeting

On Saturday 7th December 2024 at 1130 hours, an Extraoridinary Meeting was held to Initiate three of our Candidates for joining Lodge Teide No 34.  In separate ceremonies, Bros. Liviu Ardelean, Massimo Gareri and Victor Nemes were initiated in accordance with ancient custom.  Following the ceremonies, we celebrated our newly made Brothers at the La Ganania Restaurant in Los Menores, where the Barbecue was plentiful, the wine freeflowing and the bonhomie second to none. 

242nd  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 16th October 2024 was our Installation Meeting, when W. Bro. Ionel Bogdan Apostu, know as JohnB, was Installed in the Chair of King Solomon by his predecessor, W. Bro. David Mumford.  The meeting was a great success and attended by Visitors from Spain, UK and Holland.   We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, who accompanied the Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Joseba de Larruzea Vaquero.  After the meeting we joined our Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul where we had a sumptuous meal where the wine, Baileys, and port flowed freely. A great time was had by all!

241st  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 20th March 2024 was our Election Meeting, when we elected the Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing masonic year.  By a unanimous decision of the Lodge, Bro. JohnB Apostu became our Master Elect, Bro. Alesandro Capasso was elected to the office of Treasurer, and Bro. Gerry Shanks as Tyler.  Also during the meeting, Bro. Helmut Gunther was Passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft.  We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul and a great time was had by all!

240th  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 21st February 2024 was the Raising to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason of Bro. Mattei Bogdan-Apostu, which was carried out according to ancient tradition. We were honoured by the presence of R. W. Bro. Lawrence Howard, the Past Assistant Grand Master of Spain as well as Grand and Provincial Officers of the Grand Lodge of Spain and UGLE.  This was followed by a Festive Board at the Sueno Azul Beach Club, where an Italian feast was served and the wine flowed freely. A wonderful time was had by all!

239th  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 17th January 2024 was the Initiation of  Bro. Helmut Gunther.  Our Worshipful Master, David Mumford, kindly handed over his gavel to Helmut´s Sponsor, W. Bro. John Williams, who presided over the Initiation.  Thanks to an incredible team of Officers, the Initiation was a truly memorable occasion and was crowned by a superb presentation of the Charge by W. Bro. Tony Perridge, one of our regular Visitors.  A celebration Dinner at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul topped off a great evening and it was difficult to get everyone to leave afterwards.  A great time was had by all!

238th  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 20th Dercember 2023 saw the Raising to the 3rd Degree of Bro. Stefano Pirazzi, now a fully fledged Master Mason who was immediately invested as the Lodge Inner Guard.  It was a truly International event, with Masons present from the UK, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Rumania and Switzerland! Afterwards, we  enjoyed a Christmas White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul. The Italian Christmas Fayre was enjoyed by all and the wine flowed rather freely. A bumper Christmas Raffle organised by our Charity Team raised an unprecidented  €435 for the Worshipful Master´s Charity. The event was a huge success and the highlight of the year!  A big vote of thanks to the following Members who offered up their time and ensures that the Dinner was such a success:
Bro. JohnB who organised the event
Bro. Big Gerry our Charity Steward who organised the Raffles
Bro. Stefano and Bro. Matei who assisted throughout the evening and were indispensible!

Lodge Teide 34 Christmas White Table 2023

237th Regular Meeting

At our November meeting, according to ancient tradition, Bro. Matei was passed to the Degree of a fellowcraft Freemason.  For this meeting we were honoured by the presence of Visitors from Berlin and Belgium as well as from local Lodges.  Following the ceremony, our Festive Dinner was held at the Beach Club, Sueno Azul, all wonderfully prepared by Chef Alfredo and his team. The wine-taking and toasting carried on late into the evening! A great time was had by all.

236th  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 18th October 2023 was the Installation of W. Bro. David Mumford, who once again became Master of the Lodge and was proclaimed accordingly. We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of R. W. Bro. Lawrence Howard, the Past Assistant Grand Master, and V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Bros. Gerry Shanks, John B Apostu and Matei Apostu were welcomed as Joining Members of the Lodge. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul. The Italian food was suberb and the wine flowed freely. A great time was had by all!

Lodge Teide No 34

Edificio Marina Palace, Playa Paraiso, Adeje, Tenerife


Freemasonry means different things to each of those who join. For some, it’s about making new friends and acquaintances. For others it’s about being able to help deserving causes – making a contribution to family and society. But for most, it is an enjoyable hobby. Most English speaking Lodges here on Tenerife meet during the winter months. After each meeting we have a formal dinner or 'Festive Board' and in some Lodges, whilst the men 'are doing their thing', the Ladies meet at a Restaurant for an informal meal and chat. There are also a number of Formal or semi-formal functions during the year, to which the Ladies and non-masonic friends are invited. Masonry is a great way of meeting people in your community, making new friends and enjoying a fulfilling social life.

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its principles (moral lessons and self-knowledge) by a series of ritual dramas – a progression of allegorical two-part plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge – which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides.

Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.

© Copyright 2023 Lodge Teide No 34 - All Rights Reserved

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236th  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 18th October 2023 was the Installation of W. Bro. David Mumford, who once again became Master of the Lodge and was proclaimed accordingly. We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of R. W. Bro. Lawrence Howard, the Past Assistant Grand Master, and V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Bros. Gerry Shanks, John B Apostu and Matei Apostu were welcomed as Joining Members of the Lodge. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul. The Italian food was suberb and the wine flowed freely. A great time was had by all!

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241st  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 20th March 2024 was our Election Meeting, when we elected the Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing masonic year.  By a unanimous decision of the Lodge, Bro. JohnB Apostu became our Master Elect, Bro. Alesandro Capasso was elected to the office of Treasurer, and Bro. Gerry Shanks as Tyler.  Also during the meeting, Bro. Helmut Gunther was Passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft.  We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul and a great time was had by all!

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Vimeo Video

Vimeo Video

Vimeo Video

241st  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 20th March 2024 was our Election Meeting, when we elected the Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing masonic year.  By a unanimous decision of the Lodge, Bro. JohnB Apostu became our Master Elect, Bro. Alesandro Capasso was elected to the office of Treasurer, and Bro. Gerry Shanks as Tyler.  Also during the meeting, Bro. Helmut Gunther was Passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft.  We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul and a great time was had by all!

241st  Regular Meeting

Our Meeting on the 20th March 2024 was our Election Meeting, when we elected the Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing masonic year.  By a unanimous decision of the Lodge, Bro. JohnB Apostu became our Master Elect, Bro. Alesandro Capasso was elected to the office of Treasurer, and Bro. Gerry Shanks as Tyler.  Also during the meeting, Bro. Helmut Gunther was Passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft.  We were honoured at the Meeting by the presence of V. W. Bro Michael Baker, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a White Table Dinner with the Ladies and Guests at the Beach Club in Sueno Azul and a great time was had by all!

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